Scroll paintings and other Japanese works of art from the GUIGNARD KYOTO COLLECTION are already in many private collections in Europe. One of the richest is the collection of Prof. Dr. Walter Gebhard from Bayreuth, who died five years ago. This collector bought several scroll paintings from GUIGNARD over many years. After his death, the renowned "Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe" in Hamburg, which has owned the most important collection of Japanese art in Europe for over 100 years, acquired the entire art collection of around 500 objects. From October 10, 2023 to April 28, 2024, selected pictures from this collection were shown in the museum - two pictures from the GUIGNARD KYOTO COLLECTION were included by the museum in this selection: the
Dancers by Suzuki Kiitsu and the cormorant by Kishi Koma - the image of the dancers even decorated the representative poster of the entire exhibition.


Musikerinnen | anonym | 18. Jh.

Female musicians | anonymous | 18th century

Paintings from the entertainment districts, where much of the best art of the Edo period (1603-1867) was based, have often remained anonymous. Sometimes we only know the school to which...

Female musicians | anonymous | 18th century

Paintings from the entertainment districts, where much of the best art of the Edo period (1603-1867) was based, have often remained anonymous. Sometimes we only know the school to which...

Boddhisattva Manjusuri auf Löwen (shishi) reitend | unbekannt | 17. Jh.

Boddhisattva Manjusuri riding on lions (shishi)...

This sculpture is unique in its perfect state of preservation. The Bodhisattva and the lion were designed and executed together, so that not only original but also ideal proportions can...

Boddhisattva Manjusuri riding on lions (shishi)...

This sculpture is unique in its perfect state of preservation. The Bodhisattva and the lion were designed and executed together, so that not only original but also ideal proportions can...

Zen Kalligrafie fushoku 普觸 Begrüßungsgeste vor Zen-Meditation | Jiun Onkō慈雲飲光 | 1718–1804

Zen calligraphy fushoku 普觸 greeting gesture bef...

Before a Zen meditation begins, the master greets his students. They bow to him three times, touching the ground with their foreheads. This greeting gesture is called fusokurei 普觸禮. (Rei...

Zen calligraphy fushoku 普觸 greeting gesture bef...

Before a Zen meditation begins, the master greets his students. They bow to him three times, touching the ground with their foreheads. This greeting gesture is called fusokurei 普觸禮. (Rei...

Posthume Porträts von Dōgen und Keizan | anonym | 18.Jh.

Posthumous portraits of Dōgen and Keizan | anon...

In Buddhism, portraits of patriarchs - even posthumous ones like in this case - are very important. Asians (and especially Japanese) deeply and sincerely revere teachers; they cannot (and do...

Posthumous portraits of Dōgen and Keizan | anon...

In Buddhism, portraits of patriarchs - even posthumous ones like in this case - are very important. Asians (and especially Japanese) deeply and sincerely revere teachers; they cannot (and do...

Auf dem Sumidagawa-Fluss | Utagawa II. Yoshimune 二代歌川芳宗 | 1863-1941

On the Sumidagawa River | Utagawa II. Yoshimune...

Utagawa II.Yoshimune is one of the last important woodcut artists. Large formats like this are rare for him, and this example is therefore very valuable. The treatment of the motif...

On the Sumidagawa River | Utagawa II. Yoshimune...

Utagawa II.Yoshimune is one of the last important woodcut artists. Large formats like this are rare for him, and this example is therefore very valuable. The treatment of the motif...

Affe mit Mond | Kanō Tokinobu 狩野時信 | 1642-1678

Monkey with Moon | Kanō Tokinobu 狩野時信 | 1642-1678

Kanō Tokinobu was the eldest son of Kanō Yasunobu and thus belonged to the inner circle of the all-powerful Kanō school of the 17th century. He became head of the...

Monkey with Moon | Kanō Tokinobu 狩野時信 | 1642-1678

Kanō Tokinobu was the eldest son of Kanō Yasunobu and thus belonged to the inner circle of the all-powerful Kanō school of the 17th century. He became head of the...